Thursday, May 3, 2018

Avocado from seed to tree..... 🌳

A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
Matthew 7:18 NIV

In this months blog we will be looking at how to properly propagate an avocado seed from the grocery store.

Three Year old sapling.

First, you need to soak your seed over night in a glass of water.

Seed being soaked over night in water.

Next, the seed need to be thoroughly cleaned. This prevents mold and disease.

Cleaned Seed

Second, the skin of the seed needs to be slightly scored with a knife to help the tree shoot break through. Then poke several toothpicks into the prepared seed. Locate at 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock & 9 o'clock.

Prepared Seed

Next, place seed on top of a glass cup.
Next, fill the glass with clean water and make sure that the water is changed daily. This is the key to prevent seed rot.

Seed in Water

Watch your seed grow. It can take several weeks for your seed to start sprouting. It resembles a bean sprout at first.

Cracked with first sprout.

With some diligence your seed will begin to sprout leaves and roots. When your jar is pretty full of roots transplant to a small pot. Transplant as the tree grows.

Sapling with roots
Here is the tree from the original seed three years later. The avocado tree makes a nice house plant. 
They are a rather slow growing tree and sometimes take up to 15 years to produce a single avocado. These plants require a lot of patience.

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